MiMadre logo
Young immigrant girl with a balloon


Our mission is to provide the new immigrants in the Montgomery County Maryland area with information and resources in their community. With the influx of a large immigrant population, the priority to assess and service their needs is a prerequisite to successful family integration and serves as a powerful reinforcement of family participation in their community. We connect new immigrant families with services offered in their community. We are a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to serving Immigrant families.

MiMadre works with the following services : Manna Food - to provide referral and transportation for pick up of food at their site. Montgomery County Public Schools International school- to provide orientation and transportation for registration of students. MiMadre is now taking on cases related to applications for asylum, working with relevant agencies and local attorneys. We also get calls from social service workers and partner with them on extraordinary cases of immigrant families in distress.

MiMadre Corporation is proud of the programs we offer and even more thrilled to participate in building the leaders of tomorrow. Nothing is more satisfying than watching our families learn, grow and make a positive impact in the community.

We provide our families with the best tools for a positive transition into their communities including: directed referrals for complex immigration cases; funding to provide emergency food relief for at risk immigrant families; school enrollment assistance to recently arrived immigrant children; and, 24 hour a day on call addressing emergencies experienced by at risk immigrant persons.

Our Women In Action programs develop individual talents and help provide the transformational foundation that builds confidence, creativity, and vision.

We are available to serve all immigrant families anywhere in Montgomery County, but focus especially in Latino/Hispanic neighborhoods in the Brighton Village Apartment area of West Side Drive, the Magnolia Drive/Hillcrest Drive trailer park neighborhood, and more generally in Silver Spring, Wheaton, Gaithersburg and Rockville.

Join our Great Adventure

Students - Work with MiMadre to earn a great experience and valuable SSL community hours. Email MiMadre.org at bmcguire@mimadre.org.

Individuals - Volunteering can make a difference in our lives. Join us because you want to help and be a part of something bigger than you. Email MiMadre.org at bmcguire@mimadre.org.

Programs & Initiatives
  • Assistance with Asylum Claims
  • Free clothing, shoes, and toys
  • Directed social services
  • School registration and vaccination
  • Your friends at ACLU want you to
Social Media
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